Announcement: The Community Credit team is taking a break through the end of the year. Starting March 19th, you will have a Shiny New version of Community Credit. If you are interested in joining the new team feel free to contact us at Also, between now and then, prizes and awards will be sent out to the winners of past contests. See you in the beginning of the year
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This Month

All Time
Emanuele Mattei (1763675)
Anand Narayanaswamy (1670125)
Brad Jones (1590000)
Deepak Kumar Vasudevan (1444200)
barbilor (1353825)
Marco Minerva (1245325)
Chris (1167900)
SilverlightGeek (1053800)
Karl Shifflett (966325)

Top Communities (8,096,100) (4,255,000)
Keyvan Nayyeri (1,220,125)
.netSide User Group (915,875) (877,525)
NetFX Harmonics (844,800) (821,150)
Sherlock Technology Recruiting (801,000)
The ADO Guy (562,675) (518,500)
XMLPitstop (481,775) (479,375) (377,000)
Method ~ of ~ failed (233,500)
Inspector IT, Inc. (174,050)
Scott Dorman (156,100)
Russ's Toolshed (125,500)
SubText Blogging Engine (82,150)
XMLPitstop (73,200)
Karl On WPF - .Net (60,600)
Jason Row's Blog (29,550)
if ( ! blogClogged ) (24,300) user group (23,500)
The UltraTech Zone (21,850)
Amr Elsehemy's Weblog (75)

Hall of Fame

2008 Hall Of Famers
Lorenzo Barbieri
Anand Narayanaswamy
Lou Vega
Simone Chiaretta
Jeff Julian
Brad Jones
Michele Locuratelo
HimaBindu Vejella
Sukanya Vejella
Scott Dorman
Emanuele Mattei
Vito Arconzo
Marco Minerva
Mickey Gousset
Stephen Schmidt
Deepak Vasudevan
Alex Januschewsky

2006 Hall Of Famers
Russ Fustino
Joe Healy
Wally B. McClure

Earning Credit in the Developer Community

What is Community Credit?
Community Credit is a way of showing your contribution to the technology community.  Community Credit helps show off the enthusiasm and passion you have for the success of our industry.

How do I actually get points?
You can submit points on our Point Submission page. Simply type your name, email address, date you earned the points and point category and they will instantly be added to your total. The points that you earn can be seen on our Community Leaders.

Will my Community Credit contributions help me get a job?
If you are an active contributor to the development community, your contributions alone will help you to get a job. From my own personal experience in the IT Community, both as a developer and one who hires developers, I can tell you that there is no better testimonal to your skills than the contributions that you have made in your own free time. In addition, you can really show off your stuff by demonstrating it to your fellow developers. Seeing is believing, as they say. Besides, what a better way to make a new contact than to help somebody solve a problem. Community credit simply highllights your contributions and is one way of seperating yourself from the crowd and showing that you are a serious professional.

How do I earn community credit?

We use the following point system:























If you are contributing to a website that has partnered with Community Credit, your points will automatically be added. If not, you can submit your own points easily by visiting our Point Submission page.

Who will know that I earned credit?
You will benefit by linking to your profile showing all of the areas that you have contributed to the development community.

Featured Developers

Andy Beaulieu
Andy Beaulieu is a professional software developer with over 10 years of experience building applica

Andrea Boschin
Andrea Boschin is a .NET developer active on the framework technologies since 2002. He is member and

Venkatesan Prabu
Venkatesan Prabu Jayakantham holds many credentials, including Microsoft MVP, MCITP, MCTS, MCAD and

Rob Zelt
Rob Zelt, ASP.Net MVP, is a Leadership Team Member of the Triangle .Net User Group in Raleigh, NC,

Wally McClure
Wallace B. (Wally) McClure INETA Speaker's Bureau Microsoft MVP ASPInsider Co-author of "Beginning A


2/19/08 - 2008 Hall of Famers inducted
17 New members to the Community Credit Hall of fame were inducted. You can read about them and the reasons why they were inducted on the Hall of Fame page.

1/25/08 - Grafitti AddOn released
Keyvan Nayyeri just release a Grafitti AddOn for Community Credit. It is actually part of a bigger package of REALLY Cool AddOn's that you should definitely check out. You can check it out in Keyvan's Grafitti Extra's CodePlex project.

1/17/08 - Community Credit Toolkit released
Keyvan Nayyeri just release a toolkit for community credit to simplify the use of the Community Credit Web Services. If you are using the web services in your community or would like to, I would recommend checkint it out in Keyvan's CodePlex Project.

10/15/07 - We have a new Newsletter Editor.
Everybody congratulate Lou Vega as our new newsletter editor. We may now have newsletters that go out on a regular basis.

05/30/07 - Newsletter changed to use Constant Contact. The newsletters will no longer be accessible online, but they will look alot better.

2/19/06 - Newsletter Section has been added. The current and past newsletters can be found in the new Newsletters page.

11/18/06 - Newsgroup Submissions Get Automatic Credit For those hardcore posters in public newsgroups, you can now get automatic credit for your contributions. If you are interested in this feature, just drop me an email at

11/01/06 - Big Contest: a Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 Team Suite with MSDN® Premium Subscription! If you are the most active discussion board poster in the last two months of 2006, you will be the winner. Simple as that! details...

08/02/06 - Community Server AddOn Released Get Community Credit automatically for your blogs and discussion posts. Check it out

07/23/06 - Discussion Board Added You can now post discussions in our new forums. Check it out

02/24/06 - Web Service Beta Program started. You can now integrate Community Credit Web Services into your own website. If you are a website owner that would like to automatically reward your members for their contributions, please take a look at our Affiliate Program

Friends of the Community
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