Emanuele Mattei (1763675)
Anand Narayanaswamy (1670125)
Brad Jones (1590000)
Deepak Kumar Vasudevan (1444200)
barbilor (1353825)
Marco Minerva (1245325)
Chris (1167900)
SilverlightGeek (1053800)
Karl Shifflett (966325)
Geekswithblogs.net (8,096,100)
CodeCampEvals.com (4,255,000)
Keyvan Nayyeri (1,220,125)
.netSide User Group (915,875)
DotNetSlackers.com (877,525)
NetFX Harmonics (844,800)
ChrisHammond.com (821,150)
Sherlock Technology Recruiting (801,000)
The ADO Guy (562,675)
GenioDelMale.info (518,500)
XMLPitstop (481,775)
www.drowningintechnicaldebt.com (479,375)
Smartphone-Web.com (377,000)
Method ~ of ~ failed (233,500)
Inspector IT, Inc. (174,050)
Scott Dorman (156,100)
Russ's Toolshed (125,500)
SubText Blogging Engine (82,150)
XMLPitstop (73,200)
Karl On WPF - .Net (60,600)
Jason Row's Blog (29,550)
if ( ! blogClogged ) (24,300)
xe.net user group (23,500)
The UltraTech Zone (21,850)
Amr Elsehemy's Weblog (75)
2008 Hall Of Famers
Lorenzo Barbieri
Anand Narayanaswamy
Lou Vega
Simone Chiaretta
Jeff Julian
Brad Jones
Michele Locuratelo
HimaBindu Vejella
Sukanya Vejella
Scott Dorman
Emanuele Mattei
Vito Arconzo
Marco Minerva
Mickey Gousset
Stephen Schmidt
Deepak Vasudevan
Alex Januschewsky
2006 Hall Of Famers
Russ Fustino
Joe Healy
Wally B. McClure
As you know developers do not live in vacuum. We are all part of one big developer community. In fact, contributors to this
site comprise IT Professionals in over 315 cities and 35 countries. This is a number that grows every day, and is but a small
fraction of the developer community worldwide. What this means to you is that when you blog, write an example, answer a question
on a discusion board or make any other contribution, you are helping the entire development community. As I have experienced, when
you help others, the help will come back to you when you need help solving a problem or getting past a stumbling block.
This section will be focusing on bringing the development community together. This month, we will start with recognizing those sites
who have links to Community Credit, and will grow each month with new features including recogizing special contributors each month as
well as recognizing development communities that go above and beyond the average in helping developers out.
He regularly contributes articles, and book and product reviews to ASPAlliance.com, C-Sharpcorner.com, Developer.com, Codeguru.com, Microsoft Academic Alliance, asp.netPRO print magazine, and asp.netNOW online magazine. Anand has worked as a technical editor for several popular publishers such as Sams, Addison-Wesley Professional, Wrox, and Manning. His technical editing skills helped the authors of Sams Teach Yourself the C# Language in 21 Days, Core C# and .NET, Professional ADO.NET 2, and ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts in Action to fine tune the content. He has also contributed articles for Microsoft Knowledge Base and delivered podcast shows for Aspnetpodcast.com. He is a moderator for Windows MarketPlace Newsgroups.
Anand also runs LearnXpress.com (www.learnxpress.com/), Dotnetalbum.com (www.dotnetalbum.com/), CsharpFAQ.com (www.csharpfaq.com/), Computerbookreviews.org (www.computerbookreviews.org/), DigitalGadget.Info (www.digitalgadget.info/), ServerSharp.com (http://www.serversharp.com) and CommunityServerBook.com (http://www.communityserverbook.com/). LearnXpress.com is a featured site at MSDN's Visual C# .NET communities section. He also runs a website for the purpose of this book at
Anand has won several prizes at Community-Credit.com and has been featured as “All Time” contributor at the site. He is one of the founders of Trivandrum Microsoft Usergroup. He regularly blogs under the banner “I type what I feel” at msmvps.com/blogs/anandn/Default.aspx and maintains a personal website at www.visualanand.net/
Joe Healy's DevFish.com - Serving the Florida
/ Alabama / Mississippi Microsoft .NET Developer Communities
FlaDotNet.com - The FlaDotNet .NET User
Group in South Florida
Russ' Tool Shed - You have to know the
code to get in the shed. KNOW THE CODE!
Robin-Ann.net - Fun and Exciting html techniques.
Web Support. Enterprise Solutions and more.
DotNetSlackers.com - ASP.NET News for
Lazy Developers.
- New Hampshire DotNet User Group
- Letting you do what you do best!
Sonu Kapoor's DotNetSlackers
-DotNetSlackers is a .NET community that aggregates .NET blogs from various .NET communities and well known bloggers. His site
has the distinction of auto submitting blog posts. It is very cool. If he aggregates your blog, you can have him autosubmit it
and earn points for each of your blogs automatically. In fact,
both Thom Robbins and Jason Gaylord have blogged about it.
SherStaff.com - Sherlock Technology Recruiting
XMLPitstop.com - Largest Source of XML
Examples on the Web
NonProfitWays.com - A volunteer .NET
developer community that builds websites for NonProfit organizations
“Give some love to Community Credit by visiting our sister site, www.StupidCubicle.com”
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